Designer of the month : Roni Helou

Designer of the month : Roni Helou

4 min read  —  Nov 27, 2023

by Zeineb Ouertatani

Roni Helou

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Hello reader, welcome aboard, once again, as we continue our journey across the Mediterranean Sea. It takes us from country to country, unveiling the stories of designers who weave their roots and heritage into their designs.

Today, our spotlight falls on Lebanon. A country celebrated for its resilient spirit and the birthplace of remarkable talents. Among those talents, Roni Helou stands tall and shines bright as a living testament to Lebanon's enduring legacy.

Join us, in this exclusive “Designer of the month” interview, where we unveil the background story of his values, offering insights into his brand's remarkable journey. 

Can you tell us about yourself?

Roni: I'm a fashion designer with a passion for creating clothing that goes beyond aesthetics. My educational journey began at Creative Space Beirut, a hub of free fashion design education, which laid the foundation for my career. This educational experience introduced me to the world of design and fueled my commitment to social change.

What inspired you to pursue a career in fashion design?

Roni: My inspiration stemmed from a deep desire to create a brand that transcends conventional boundaries. Fashion, for me, is a canvas for activism and impact. It's an avenue to address critical issues, from sustainability to animal rights, through creative expression, etc…

Can you tell us about any particular fashion designers or historical periods that have had a significant impact on your work?

Roni: In fact, my work is a mixture of modern creativity and historical inspiration. Visionary designers like Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney have greatly influenced my approach to sustainability in fashion. Additionally, I mainly draw inspiration from Lebanon's rich history, culture, and fashion heritage, which are woven into the essence of each one of my creations.

How would you define the core values of your fashion brand?

Roni Helou: In each stitch, the fabric becomes a canvas for advocacy or a medium for meaningful change. From meticulously selecting materials to conscientious production, every garment speaks volumes about a commitment beyond fashion. Each thread echoes a resounding message of impact, community, and a better world.

Walk us through your design process.

Roni: My design process is meticulous and mathematical. It usually begins with vintage pieces, from which I deconstruct and reimagine every detail. I question the elements' positions and functions, resulting in designs that are not just visually striking, but also practical and thought-provoking.

How do you balance the creative aspects of design with the practical elements of making your creations wearable?

Roni: Balancing creativity and practicality is a hallmark of my brand. I create modular clothing that allows individuals to explore different styles while extending the lifespan of each garment. It's about creating fashion that's not just beautiful, but also functional.

You mentioned sustainability is a key value in your brand. Could you elaborate on the sustainable practices or materials you employ in your designs?

Roni Helou: Sustainability is at the heart of what we do. We upcycle vintage and old-stock fabrics, collaborate with local artisans, and use organic techniques in clothing production. We aim to inspire others to prioritize both style and social responsibility in fashion, making SUSTAINABILITY more than just a buzzword or clickbait. It's all about showcasing that fashion can be a platform for change, encouraging consumers to support ethical practices and brands.

Tell us about your most recent collection. What was the inspiration behind it, and what were the key elements you wanted to convey?

Roni: This collection showcases the evolution of the brand. It's about creating a narrative through fashion that reflects our deep-seated values.

It draws inspiration from the challenges we face, from wars and pandemics to environmental issues. I wanted to convey the idea that adopting a simpler, greener life may be the antidote to the challenges of our times.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the creation of your latest collection?

Roni: Balancing the preferences of Arab and international customers is a challenge. I needed to create a collection that sells while staying true to the brand’s values. Financial pressure and losses in Lebanon added to the challenge. I took it upon myself to push through and come up with creative solutions whilst reflecting on the spirit of resilience that fashion embodies.

Could you provide insights into your future plans and any upcoming projects or collections that our readers can look forward to?

Roni: The future holds exciting prospects. I’m in the midst of developing our new Fall/Winter collection. Additionally, I'm thrilled about an upcoming exhibition at the Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar, where we'll showcase a collection crafted from vegan silk. This project is particularly special to me as it represents absolute creative freedom.

As the interview comes to an end, we can only continue to appreciate and support Roni, a visionary on a mission to craft a world where fashion and social responsibility intertwine in perfect harmony.

For the latest insights into Roni Helou's extraordinary journey and to explore his work, make your way to his profile on our website.

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