Keep it simple: Minimalist Fashion 101

Keep it simple: Minimalist Fashion 101

3 min read  —  Dec 15, 2020

by Yassmine Borghol

You have probably heard of the minimalist concept whether in art or as a form of a lifestyle. But how about minimalism as a fashion style?

Minimalist fashion Is one of the most discussed topics in the sustainable advocacy community. The concept is all about having quality over quantity; having the minimum of clothing pieces that are essential with a small selection of colors.

Simplicity is the key to pinpointing this style.

A minimalist style is all about decluttering and choosing one slow fashion piece in good quality over 5 fast-fashion pieces. It also helps to declutter the closet and get rid of all low-quality fabric pieces and clothes you didn’t use for months.

Moreover, a minimalist style doesn’t have to be boring or lifeless. Although it is recommended to use neutral colors since it is easier to match, minimalist fashion doesn’t have to be boring or anything, you can combine neutral with bright colors to have a balance and choose colors accordingly to fit with the wardrobe. But the most important aspect of minimalism is to have basic and essential pieces in the wardrobe, without getting it overcrowded and decluttering when needed. 

“Minimalism has never been about deprivation. Rather, minimalism is about getting rid of life’s excess in favor of the essential.”— JOSHUA FIELDS MILLBURN

Transitioning from a revolving fast fashion closet to a minimalist wardrobe is a meaningful way to practice conscious living. But it can also be overwhelming, especially when starting. If you just started on the slow fashion path and want to create a minimalist wardrobe, here’s how to get started:

Declutter your closet

Start creating a conscious closet by taking into account what you currently have.

Sort and organize the items by separating them into three piles: Donations, to sell, and Clothes to Keep. When deciding what to keep, think about how often you wear the item and whether it goes well with other pieces or not. Try to keep only clothing pieces that you wear often and love dearly even if they’re from fast fashion brands.

Because Sustainable fashion is not only about supporting slow fashion labels but also about giving new life to existing items and keeping clothing out of landfills.   

Discover Your Style & Create Unique Looks

It’s one of the basic things to feel confident and comfortable within the clothing we wear. When making a minimalist closet, discard the regular patterns and think about a fashion that's interesting to you. An authentic and timeless wardrobe will reflect your identity and make you feel comfortable in your own skin.

Care for Your Garments

With fast fashion brands, clothes are not made to last for more than a few wears, and it can seem silly to invest in the care for a garment when it costs less than 20 dinars. With a minimalist wardrobe, though, you’ll want to ensure you are properly caring for your apparel. This will protect your items from accidental damage and allow you to wear your clothing for years to come.   

Do not be afraid to experiment with your style and wardrobe

Just as it says, style and fashion, in general, should not be set with rules. Essentials can differ from one person to another and so does style. A minimalist wardrobe can contain any clothing pieces that you believe are essentials and any colors as long as there’s a definite palette so that most clothes can be worn together without any problems. And again, do not forget to experiment, try different pieces and colors together and try color palettes until you find the most suitable one.  

Shop Secondhand

One of the biggest deterrents to building a minimalist wardrobe is the cost. Quality apparel from ethical brands is more expensive than fast fashion because of the sustainable, lasting fabrics and because workers are paid fair benefits and wages. But to start without emptying our wallet, we can go shop second hand instead whether online or go to Souk.

Contrary to popular belief, thrift stores are not only for cheap clothing and worn-out furniture. Some of our favorite and most timeless pieces have been discovered on the racks of unassuming thrift stores or online.

And on that note, you can find below, our recommended second-hand and durable must have statement pieces to help you add some spice and finish up your minimalist wardrobe.

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